I’ve just spent a pleasurable couple of hours pulling out those pesky weeds in the garden. I really enjoy the process of clearing the clutter and revealing the good earth and the beautiful lines of the plants again.
It’s amazing how such a simple thing can make me feel good on so many levels.
How it eases my mind, gets me moving, releases me emotionally and connects me to my sense of source energy.
How the mere act of being outside and doing something physical helps to slow my mind and unhook me from the endless chatter of the inner critic that I’m prone to.
And I know I will sleep better tonight with the scent of the earth remaining in my memory to ground me.
When things get on top of us it can feel like all that inner chatter, all the mess, all the to do’s are unnecessary weeds clogging up our mental airwaves with noise.
The walls start to close in and it all gets too much.
Do you ever hear yourself say ‘I just need to get out of here!’
I say do it. Get on out there. While the weather is good and the days stretch out.
If you’re feeling hemmed in or over overwhelmed then it’s the perfect opportunity to create some space for your mind to let go for a bit.
You could enjoy some walking meditation, surrounded by the lush greenness of everything.
Keep it simple. Focus on your feet touching the ground as you walk and every time you notice you’re off on that cycle of thoughts again just take a breath and say internally,” thinking, thinking”, and return to focusing on the feel of your feet touching the ground.
You will feel so much better for it.
Just the act of distancing yourself from the chatter and moving through nature can offer great relief and is wonderfully healing for the spirit.
If walking’s not your thing then you might choose some form of movement that is, and do it outside.
Which brings me back to weeding.
Sometimes that inner clutter needs to be followed to the root and pulled out, or gently encouraged to untangle, unravel and transmute into positive energy you can use to move forward rather than negative energy that is stuck in a groove, playing the same old song and just generally being unhelpful.
If you notice that your inner self talk is getting the better of you then it’s a good time to use EFT tapping. It’s weeding for the mind!
You know by now that I love it! Have you fallen for it yet? Used often enough it is one of the easiest techniques you can utilise to take the edge off the overwhelm.
Try it now on something that’s bothering you. If you don’t know where or how to begin you might try a set up statement like:
Tapping on the side of the hand point ask yourself 0-10 how true does the below statement feel, 0 being not true – 10 being really true. Then tap as below
Even though I’m not sure what’s wrong, I just know I don’t feel good, I love and accept myself anyway. (repeat x 3)
Then tapping around the points and using a reminder phrase or two
- I’m not sure what’s wrong
- I just know I don’t feel good
- I’m not sure what’s wrong
- I just constantly feel overwhelmed
- I’m not sure why I feel so bad but I do
- I think I’m overworked
- I’m not sure what’s wrong
Then take a deep breath in and out, and check to see how true that statement feels now – are you getting an idea of what you might actually like to tap on now? Did something come up?
If not then you could tap on ‘even though I still don’t know what’s wrong, I’m basically OK’ and see what happens. If you find you don’t feel right doing it then gently stop by tapping on ‘it’s not safe for me right now, I can do this another time’.
If you did get a sense of something to tap on then do that. Choose your set up statement -rate the intensity on the scale 0-10 and off you go.
There is more on tapping here with a PDF of the points if you need them.
Here’s to nature guiding us and those weeds transmuting into something beautiful!
I’d love to hear how you get on.
You can leave comments or questions on my FB page
And if you think you need more 1:1 help then please do email me
Warm Wishes